Long-Term Strategic Plan for Black America

From February 2022 until July 2023, a grassroots Long-Term Strategic Plan (LTSP) Panel worked vigorously and diligently to produce the Long-Term Strategic Plan for Black America (LTSPFBA). The plan has a 100-year time horizon, and is designed to help ensure that Black America achieves significantly improved life outcomes and well-being. By the year 2124, Black America should enjoy a quality of life that is best-in-the-world.
Please take this opportunity to read the LTSPFBA in its entirety, and/or begin exploring this potentially wonderful future for Black America by reading the Executive Summary.
However, we must be forever mindful that there is “no free lunch.” We will only be successful in fulfiling the LTSPFBA and realizing the related benefits if we perform the KAZI (work)!
Welcome to the LTSPFBA Website
This advertisement free website presents the ongoing work of the LTSP Panel and the National Black Planning Council (NBPC, (coming soon)) that concerns implementation of the LTSPFBA. If you have an interest in Black America’s future and want that future to reflect considerable improvement over our current state, then you have arrived at the correct location. Now your effort is required.
For Your Information
The LTSP Panel’s next quarterly meeting is scheduled for April 10, 2025. If you wish to join the LTSPFBA implementation effort and want to participate in the next meeting, then please contact and inform us accordingly.
Also, the LTSPFBA publication is now available at Amazon.com: Paperback and Kendall options for $5.99.
News & Updates
LTSP Panelists on The Carl Nelson Show
LTSP Panelists Dr. Brooks Robinson and Baba Asinia Lukata Chikuyu appeared on The Carl Nelson Show on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 during 0600-0800 EST. We discussed wideranging aspects of implementing the LTSPFBA.
Goals of the LTSPFBA’s Eight Phases
Phase I (Years 1-5)
To have secured agreement by ALL relevant religious, political, economic, educational, scientific, and social organization (“Responsible Parties”) that this rough 100-year plan is desirable and desired. To have formed a National Black Planning Council (NBPC) that is functioning effectively to fulfill this Long-Term Strategic Plan for Black America (LTSPFBA). To have attracted massive interest of young Black Americans in this LTSPFBA.
Phase II (Years 6-10)
To have realized the full operation of an NBPC in the context of this LTSPFBA document, including the onset of revenue raising to facilitate LTSP execution. Specifically, efforts are well underway to: Develop a national communications platform/system that reaches all Black Americans; implement an information campaign that is designed to influence Black Americans’ willingness to achieve greater independence and unity (Umoja); and engage in collective work and responsibility (Ujima) that will produce self-sufficiency and self-determination (Kujichagulia). Our efforts in the area of cooperative economics (Ujamaa), especially for financial institutions in Black areas of influence, are growing/expanding rapidly.
Phase III (Years 11-15)
To have measured meaningful progress vis-à-vis our starting point across all nine sectors of this LTSPFBA. Black Americans (Afrodescendants) can observe physical and mental/emotional improvements in our quality-of-life (well-being).
Phase IV (Years 16-20)
To have established a solid Black American (Afrodescendant) evolutionary/developmental process through this LTSPFBA publication that will improve our socioeconomic quality of life (well-being) that will exceed those experienced formerly.
Phase V (Years 21-40)
To have raised the well-being of Black Americans (Afrodescendants) to the level where none of us live in want and all of us have access to high-quality food security, housing, employment opportunities, access to meaningful education at all relevant levels, health, and physical security.
Phase VI (Years 41-60)
To have established Black Americans’ (Afrodescendants’) evolutionary/development processes as a prototype for other Afrodescendant nations in the Western Hemisphere and on the Afrikan Continent to emulate.
Phase VII (Years 61-80)
Through our own efforts and through cooperation and coordination with other Afrodescendant, Afrikan, and other nation states, to have elevated the Black American (Afrodescendant) quality of life to be in the top decile of people in the world in socioeconomic well-being.
Phase VIII (Years 81-100)
At the 100-year mark, the expectation is to reach our overarching goal. Black Americans (Afrodescendants) will describe our quality-of-life as No. 1 in the world with respect to our ability to fulfill our desires and experience the best possible well-being. We will identify ourselves as the happiest, healthiest, most educated, most physically satisfied, and safest people on Earth.
A “S-M-A-R-T” Plan
“The LTSPFBA is a Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound (SMART) plan.”
Baba Asinia Lukata Chikuyu