General Public Service

Sector Coverage

The General Public Service (GPS) sector covers: Executive and legislative operations; Financial and fiscal affairs; External affairs; General services; Public debt transactions; and Knowledge and financial flows between sectors. The GPS sector provides guidance (under the executive and legislative component) for the smooth functioning of an “independent” and “self-determined” Black America. This includes facilitating proper and effective governance through selected/elected representatives or direct representation by individual Black Americans, who participate in decision-making. To perform its work, the GPS sector must arrange for its financial and fiscal affairs and those of other sectors involved in the execution of this LTSPFBA.

Baba Laurence Tunsill, Sr. provides oversight for this sector.

Latest Developments

Important Information

Assistance Required

Suggested Responsible Parties

The General Public Service sector outlines the formation of a National Black Planning Council (NBPC) that will guide the execution of this LTSPFBA. The NBPC is to be comprised of Representatives (Alternates) from each of the remaining eight sectors in this LTSP. Each sector will be responsible for selecting a Representative and an Alternate. For completeness and convenience, we list the eight sectors here: (1) Defense, public order, and safety; (2) Economic affairs; (3) Environmental protection; (4) Housing and community amenities; (5) Health and wellness; (6) Recreation, religion, and culture; (7) Education; and (8) Social protection.

If you agree that the LTSPFBA can enable a better future for Black America, then…