Economic Affairs

Sector Coverage

The Economic Affairs sector is intended to cover broadly the following economic subsectors: General economic, commercial, and labor affairs; Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; Fuel and energy; Mining, manufacturing, and construction; Wholesale and retail trade; Transportation; Communications; Financial services; Professional services; and Other service industries not separately identified and covered within the remaining eight sectors covered by this LTSPFBA.

Dr. Brooks Robinson provides oversight for this sector.

Latest Developments

While the LTSPFBA does not discuss Black American Reparations in detail (see page 4 of the LTSPFBA), the volume acknowledges the importance of Reparations, indicates that the volume embodies all the tools required to utilize Reparations resources once received, states that a separate plan is required to secure Reparations, and invites other to undertake the development of such a Reparations plan. Recently, a new pocketbook was produced that outlines a strategy for securing Reparations on a short- to medium-term basis: A 2024-2029 Strategic Plan for Securing Black American (Afrodescendant) Reparations.

Important Information

Proper implementation of the LTSPFBA’s Economic Affairs sector is very important because economics plays a vital role in our quest for optimal wellbeing.

Recently, Dr. Brooks Robinson prepared the following essay that discusses a rapidly emerging threat to our economic wellbeing–especially when we engage in digital economic transactions. Please consider: Kamala Harris and the Unending Onslaught of Economic Attacks Against Black Americans.”

Please inform us if you have important economic informational content that informs our work in this Economic Affairs sector.

Assistance Required

If you are an entrepreneur at any level and in any industry, or if you are generally interested in entrepreneurship, then please consider committing to helping implement Economic Affairs-related plans as outlined in the LTSPFBA publication. The plan is flexible/adaptable, which permits you to place your unique stamp on this ongoing work. Please consult the “Contact” page to follow through and help change future outcomes for Black Americans in a very favorable way.

Suggested Responsible Parties

  • National Urban League
  • National Economic Association
  • Black Bankers Association
  • Black Accountants
  • Black Farmers
  • Black Businesspersons (Owners) Association
  • Black Engineers
  • Black Construction Contractors Association
  • National Association of Black Journalists
  • Black Industrial and Labor Organizations
  • Others

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