Health & Wellness

Sector Coverage

The Health and Wellness (H&W) sector of this LTSPFBA encompasses: Medical products, appliances, and equipment; Outpatient services; Hospital services; and Public health services. These elements cover the range of goods, services, and activities that are associated with the production of high-quality healthcare. The operative term here is “production.” Therefore, it is important to consider the production of health outcomes in the US in its proper context.

Baba Sababu Shabaka provides oversight for this sector.

Latest Developments

Important Information

The US Health industry accounts for nearly 20% of the the nation’s total output (gross domestic product). In other words, it is difficult for the US economy to grow in the absence of Health industry growth. At the same, time, it is common knowledge that the pharmaceutical industries are growing rapidly in size. Importantly, we are discovering that pharmaceuticals may hamper healing in certain cases, and may even be the source of health issues. Black American physicians Dr. Braxton Montgomery and Dr. Bobby Price provide an example of why we need to remain cognizant of the harm that pharmaceuticals may impose on our health in this video from the series “Clinical Rounds.”

Assistance Required

If you have a background in Health and Wellnes in a Black American context, we request that you consider joining this LTSPFBA implementation effort. Please consult our “Contact” page and transmit a statement of interest to serve as a “Responsible Party” for the LTSPFBA‘s Health and Wellness sector.

Suggested Responsible Parties

  • National Medical Association
  • National Black Medical Students Association
  • National Dentist Association
  • National Association of Black Psychiatrists and Psychologists
  • National Nurses Association
  • National Association of Nurses Assistants
  • National Educational Association
  • National Association of Black Media Owners
  • National Association of Black Journalists
  • Others

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