Recreation, Religion, and Culture

Sector Coverage

The Recreation, Religion, and Culture (RRC) sector covers: Recreational and sporting activities; Religious and other community services; and Cultural services, including (inter alia) broadcasting and publishing services. Each subsector is broad in scope and could, theoretically, serve as a stand-alone sector. Given this realization, the nature of the Common Country Analyses (CCA) presented in this LTSPFBA publication, and space considerations, the subsectors are addressed concisely, at a thirty-thousand-foot level, and only sufficiently to lay a foundation for the various strategies that are designed to enable Black Americans to achieve the overarching LTSPFBA goal.

Baba Asinia Lukata Chikuyu provides oversight for this sector.

Latest Developments

The LTSP Panel and its Responsible Parties for the RRC Sector recevied a huge boost from a new member, Pastor Victoria Brady from Chicago, IL. Among her many works, Pastor Brady is directing tremendously valuable Afrodescendant development efforts in the Windy City through the Annie B. Jones Civic Arts Center.

Recently, she produced an evolving Hip Hopera entitled,“Rise of Afrodescendants.” Please see highlights of the Hopera in the video below.

We welcome Pastor Brady to the LTSPFBA Implementation effort.

Important Information

Attention World: Kamala Harris is the Democratic Party’s standard bearer for the November 2024 US Presidential Election. Many Black Americans plan to support her candidacy. But we should couple our support for Kamala Harris with support for our own wellbeing as expressed by Baba Asinia Lukata Chikuyu in the following image:

Assistance/Action Required

The LTSPFBA volume supports the formation of a strong cultural identity. Such identity formation is facilitated and/or enhanced by increased knowledge about historical personalities and events. We invite your exploration here.

Suggested Responsible Parties

  • Black Professional Sports Organizations
  • Conference of National Black Churches
  • Black Religious Denominations/Organizations                       
  • Interdenominational Theological Center
  • Lost Found Nation of Islam
  • Nation of Islam
  • Black Coaches Association
  • National Education Association
  • National Association of Black Journalists
  • Association of African American Museums
  • Association of Black Cultural Centers
  • Others

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