
Sector Coverage

The Education Sector of this LTSPFBA encompasses: Pre-elementary, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. The latter subsector encompasses both non-tertiary (nonacademic-type non-degree training mainly for labor and technical purposes) and tertiary (academic-type degree training mainly for professional purposes) education. Tertiary education includes associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs. Post graduate study is also included in tertiary education. The Education sector is concerned with the identification, development, and promulgation of content (curriculums) and standards, and with securing the resources required to operate the sector.

Baba Asinia Lukata Chikuyu provides oversight for this sector.

Latest Developments

LTSPFBA implementers, mainly Responsible Parties from the Economic Affairs sector, organized and delivered an Introductory “Wealth Building Seminar” on August 20, 2024. A video of this seminar will be posted soon to the LTSPFBA You Tube Channel soon. [Disclaimer: LTSPFBA implementers are not Investment Advisors.]

Important Information

LTSPFBA implementers are contemplating efforts to motivate development of a consortium of major Black American scholarly and professional associations that would convene annually to revise and/or augment the LTSPFBA’s existing 100-year plan for Education for Black Americans so that we maintain a vigilant focus on our educational and training requirements now and for the future.

Assistance Required

The LTSP Panel requires social media expertise desperately. If you have expertise in engaging multiple forms of social media, and would like to volunteer with the LTSPFBA implementation effort, then please contact us immediately [September 16, 2024].

Suggested Responsible Parties

  • National Education Association
  • National Black Council of School Board Members
  • National Alliance of Black School Educators
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  • Conference of National Black Churches (its constituent organizational members)
  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  • National Urban League
  • Divine Nine Association
  • Association for the Study of African Life and History
  • National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers
  • National Association of Mathematicians
  • African American Literature and Culture Society
  • Education Ministry of the Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika
  • National Association of Black Home Educators
  • Council of Independent Black Institutions
  • The Akoben Institute
  • Freedom Home Academy International
  • Others

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