Housing and Community Amenities

Sector Coverage

The Housing and Community Amenities (HCA) sector covers: Housing development; Community development; Water supply; and Street lighting. The only HCA component that warrants further explication is Community development, which encompasses administrative efforts to ensure the appropriate evolution of communities (areas of influence); including planning for the development of all non-housing physical infrastructure that is required by an area of influence. For example, commercial spaces, educational and recreational facilities, cultural venues, electric power and water systems and related structures fall under Community development. Notably, the Water supply HCA component should be considered side-by-side with the work of the Environmental Protection sector.

Dr. Brooks Robinson provides oversight for this sector.

Latest Developments

In light of cooling inflation and the US Federal Reserve Board’s stated intent to lower interest rates, opportunities for homeownership may surface. However, LTSPFBA implementers urge prospective new Black American homeowners to be particularly careful concerning their choice of properties to purchase. Specifically, while sales prices of properties that are part of homeowners’ associations may be less expensive than similar properties that are not part of homeowners’ associations, we urge very careful scrutiny of the full scope of physical and financial conditions of such associations relative to governance guidelines under which they operate. Please contact us if you have questions about this topic. [Disclaimer: LTSPFBA implementers are neither Real Estate Agents nor Investment Advisors.]

Important Information

Black American homeownership represents a significant aspect of the work that is required to elevate Black American wellbeing. To comprehend the problem more completely, please consider: Why is Black American Homeownership Constrained?”

Assistance Required

Recognizing the importance of Black American owned/controlled banks in/near our areas of influence (communities), HCA Responsible Parties have committed to corresponding with the 23 existing Black American owned/controlled banks to enlist their participation in LTSPFBA implementation. If you can assist with this effort, then please visit our “Contact” page and communicate with us concerning your willingness to help improve Black American wellbeing.

Suggested Responsible Parties

  • National Society of Black Engineers
  • National Black Contractors Association
  • National Association of Minority Contractors
  • National Association of Black Women in Construction
  • Blacks in Construction Labor Unions
  • National Education Association
  • Nine HBCUs that are “Construction Schools”
  • National Bankers Association
  • BankBlackUSA.org
  • Bank of Africa Project
  • Others

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